Head To Campania For Italy’s Most Distinctive White Wines

Head To Campania For Italy s Most Distinctive White Wines

The best-known Italian wines may indeed be red - Brunello di Montalcino, Barolo, Barbaresco and Amarone immediately come to mind - but the country’s white wines are no less special. While some who read these words may think that Italian whites are simple and less than remarkable, thanks in large part to the volumes of Pinot Grigio being produced in various territories, the white wine industry in Italy has blossomed over the past 20 years, with the best examples offering remarkable aromatics and significant complexity along with excellent aging potential.

There are at least three regions where white wines as a whole are generally more famous, and dare I say better than the area’s reds. The three regions are Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli in the north and Campania in the south. One can argue over which of these regions are home to Italy’s finest whites - spectacular wines are made in all three - but without doubt, Italy’s most distinctive white wines are produced in Campania.

The reasons for that are simple, as Campania is the spiritual home for several of the finest indigenous white varietals in all of Italy. The two most famous are Greco and Fiano, while Falanghina, planted throughout the region, has become a notable sales success. Then you have small pockets of little-known grapes such as Biancolella, Ginestra and Palagrello Bianco, among others, that are planted in specific areas; the former two are found along the coast of the Tyrhennian Sea, while Palagrello Bianco is home in the inland province of Caserta.


Palagrello Bianco - Palagrello Bianco is found in the province of Caserta, north and east of the province of Avellino. Quite rich on the palate, typical aromas include lemon peel, orange zest and grapefruit, and in warmer years, notes of papaya and golden apples. Some examples, such as the Morrone from Alois are vinified in wood for a few months; these offer beautiful white and yellow spice notes, and display lovely texture. Best producers of Palagrello Bianco include Alois, Vigne Chigi, Cantina di Lisandro and Scaramuzzo.

Tom Hyland

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