Alois Winery: the path to the revival of Pallagrello and Casavecchia in Southern Italy

Alois Winery: the path to the revival of Pallagrello and Casavecchia in Southern Italy

We are at the foot of Caiatini mountains in Upper Caserta, in the Campania region of Italy, close to the extinct Roccamonfina volcano and Volturno river, where nine hectares of land are surrounded by a natural amphitheater of hills. The presence of five volcanoes has restructured the landscape of the region and the prevalence of ignimbrite, a kind of volcanic rock that makes the region exemplary for viticulture. It is here where patriarch Michele Alois created his winery in 1992. Coming from an important family with centuries of involvement in the silk business, he took a different route with his life…

Read the full article by Rowena Rumlao Giardina on
Read the full article by Rowena Rumlao Giardina on